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Edge Stack API Kubernetes Native API Gateway helped PTC to integrate with Azure Active Directory, enabling a single point of authentication and accelerating the development workflow.

Case Study

Ent Credit Union

Learn how Telepresence helped Ent Credit Union to supercharge their development workflows and achieve 10X improvement in debugging and troubleshooting...

Case Study


See how Telepresence helped Voiceflow to remove resource burden, increased the speed of inner dev loop, resulting in development speed to improve by 50%...

Case Study

Why companies choose Ambassador Labs

Faster Onboard

Onboard teams quickly and shift left faster with less toil.

Zero-Downtime Deploys

Zero-downtime deploys without compromise.

Reduce Cost

Stop paying for needless development environments.

Use Your Own Tools

Bring your services and DevOps stack.

How we work with customers

Deep Expertise

Implement cloud native best practices alongside the industry’s top technical leaders.

OSS Confidence

Adopt and influence Kubernetes-native open source projects. Tap into a global community of contributors and end users.

World-Class Support

Get the help you need to solve your hardest challenges. Collaborate 24/7 across the channels that work best for your team.

Ambassador Edge Stack makes it very easy for us to manage endpoints across all our regions worldwide and is able to seamlessly adapt and work with every region’s 80 different endpoints, each with varying configuration requirements.

Nashon Steffen

Staff Infrastructure Development Engineer | Mercedes-Benz

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