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Fast Set up a production-quality Kubernetes cluster on AWS

Phil Lombardi / March 1, 2017 Bootstrapping a microservices system is often a very difficult process for many small teams because there is a diverse ecosystem of tools that span a number of technical disciplines from operations to application development. This repository is intended for a single developer on a small team that meets the following criteria: Building a simple modern web application using a service-oriented or microservices approach.

September 9, 2020 | 14 min read

Why Development Workflow is Critical for Microservices

Development workflow is the process by which your organization develops software. A typical development workflow starts with product definition, and then moves through development, testing, release, and production stages. The stability vs velocity tradeoff Organizations tune this workflow for their given business needs and application. Typically, this involves optimizing the workflow to provide the right balance of stability versus velocity. As the application becomes more popular, ensuring that updates don't negatively impact users becomes more important. More stringent release criteria, better testing, and development reviews are typical strategies that improve stability. Yet these strategies aren't free, as they reduce velocity.

September 3, 2020 | 3 min read

Getting Started with Kubernetes for JavaScript Developers

3 steps to containerize and deploy Node.JS apps to Kubernetes JavaScript has become a robust language powering complex web applications composed of microservices. Kubernetes is the leading orchestration platform for containerized applications, including JavaScript applications. Containerizing provides a way to package your application in a portable environment with all the necessary dependencies. This allows developers to easily manage their environments, scaling, and deployment strategies without having to change configurations for different infrastructure and platforms. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to create a simple containerized JavaScript application and deploy it in a Kubernetes cluster.

July 21, 2020 | 9 min read

Optimize the Kubernetes Developer Experience with Version 0

One of the core promises of microservices is development team autonomy, which should, in theory, translate into faster and better decision making. But sometimes, this theory doesn’t translate into reality. Why is this the case? There are a multitude of reasons for microservices not working well. Microservices, cloud-native, and Kubernetes are a new approach and culture shift, and there’s a lot of good ways and bad ways to approach the challenge.

June 25, 2020 | 6 min read

Build vs. Buy: Should You Build an Authentication Solution on Your Own?

All development and operations teams regularly face building vs buy decisions when it comes to deploying infrastructure. With the prevalence of open source Kubernetes Gateways like Ambassador, or the prevalence of open source proxies like Envoy, it is natural that organisations will ask the question - should I build on top of these open source projects or buy functionality from third-party vendors. In the case of authentication (Oauth) for API Gateways, it is almost always better to purchase from a vendor, unless there is a business justification to scale up and maintain a long term authentication project. To assess the right choice, here are some criteria you can use to evaluate whether you want to build your own OAuth service or purchase a subscription to a pre-built application such as Ambassador Edge Stack. Authentication Implementation: Build Scenarios

June 10, 2020 | 11 min read

Extending Knative for Fun and Profit

Description Come learn how the Knative building blocks work together with zero baked in knowledge of one another. We will cover a new model for loose coupling in Kubernetes, and show how it is used throughout Knative. We will demonstrate how this model can be used to read and manipulate whole classes of Kubernetes resources. We will also demonstrate how this model can be used with Knative, e.g. to create a new abstractions to receive Events.

June 8, 2020 | 1 min read